Icone -

Who are are?

We are a multicultural school with an educational program composed of Brazilian and international matrices, aligned with contemporary scenarios.

What is our DNA?

We believe that, when educating children and young people, respecting each person’s way of being and learning, in addition to preparing them to interact with the changing world, it is necessary to responsibly consider the potential of different ways of educating and living together.

There is no single word or formula ready to express our school’s identity. Villa, when choosing its path and its pedagogical brand, interprets the development of skills and abilities as  ends  of the educational process, and contents as  means. From this perspective, it builds its Education Program.

How do we educate?

Based on a contemporary conception of education, Villa adopts the  comprehensive training of students as the central focus of its actions. 

The foundations of this comprehensive training are: the value of coexistence,  self-esteem, otherness and the most important aspects of the human experience, generated by scientific, academic and technological knowledge.

There are no ready-made formulas

We believe that when educating children and young people prepared to interact in a changing world, it is necessary to responsibly consider the potential of different ways of educating and living together. There are no ready-made formulas and Villa chose its singular path.

The Seven Curricular Dimensions

VILLA expresses the directions and developments of its Education Program through Curricular Dimensions, which are guides for all learning experiences from Early Childhood Education to High School.


We support each student and class individually, ensuring compliance with both national and international curricula, as well as the development of contemporary skills crucial for comprehensive social, academic, technological, and communicational growth.

Pedagogical practice

Villa has an “intelligence” structure to systematically study the best educational practices in Brazil and the world, with the aim of permanently updating and improving  its  Education Program.

Aligned with Brazilian legislation and according to the needs of each age group, Villa incorporates into its curriculum the development of skills necessary for social, academic  and  technological performance, in addition to communication skills in another language.

The entire architecture of the Villa Education Program emerges from the comprehensive concept of global education. Just the way Villa believes. See more at Global Education.

Ícone - Matrícula