Icone -

Seeking to deepen the integration of technology into its curriculum, Villa has two laboratories for programming, robotics and inventions for the internet of things.

Villa’s curriculum expresses concepts of learning based on contemporary theories of knowledge, declares educational options translated into objectives and values, and aims to develop skills to solve the world’s problems. By following the guidance of the parameters for education of the 11th century, the Millennium Development Goals, Brazilian legislation, the principles of the Constitution, the National Education Plan and the BNCC, Villa adopted seven curricular dimensions, which suggest practices and resources that integrate the contents to be explored by students, described in the PPP.

The seven (7) Curricular Dimensions are: Multiliteracy, Digital Culture, Authorship, Sustainability, Interculturality, Socio-emotional Intelligence and Scientific Thinking, find in the laboratories conditions to support the choices made for their learning objectives and expectations. Villa’s proposal is for the laboratories to be multipurpose spaces, following a different perspective from the conventional classroom, more spacious and foreseeing needs for future implementations.

All spaces were delivered with functional, safe resources and designed with an ambiance inspired by modern educational technology, under the assumption of the space that educates. The following laboratories are:

Speak Up: This is our space dedicated to public speaking practices, brainstorming and research. The venue is equipped with a small stage, pulpit, microphone, whiteboard, sound system, projector and screen. Throughout the space, totems with sockets, inviting flooring and comfortable seats also encourage the use of notebooks. A large, retractable screen makes Speak Up a great space for screening movies. The ambience refers to oratory and internationalization, with the installation of flags from different countries (theVilla Onuis the basic design of the room).

Digital Life Studio: This is our space dedicated to recordings and exercises involving audio and video. It has cameras, microphones for recording podcasts and a computer for editing. The space also facilitates the recording of video classes and live broadcasts and has a screen with a green background. OCinema in Focus, a project that reached the milestone of 100 short films made, is the inspiration for the room, which features posters produced by the students framed on one of the walls.

Nature: It is our space dedicated to laboratory practices in science, biology, physics and chemistry. It contains granite countertops with Bunsen burners installed and with sockets, piped gas, microscopes, cabinets, sinks with depth for washing, glassware, eyewash, equipment and supplies necessary for carrying out practical classes.

Maker (Code & Maker Lab): Spaces that meet EFAI (Yellow) and EFAF (GREEN). Dedicated to experiments with technology in general and Manufacturing Laboratory meetings. The space is equipped with robotics materials, a 3D printer, laser cutter, sewing machine and various hand tools.

Art Workshop: Spaces that serve EFAI and EFAF. Dedicated to practical experiences linked to the creation of works related to painting, sculpture and the like. It has easels, screens, sinks for washing material and supplies necessary for the development of the works.

Music Room: This is our space dedicated to classes and activities related to musicality. In the room there are several musical instruments, both string (such as violin, guitar and piano) and percussion (tamborim, cuíca and floor drums).


Ícone - Matrícula